Emi Kamito

Japanese Dialect Coach

I’m Emi Kamito, a Vancouver-based Japanese dialect coach with 10 years experience. I’m available for Japanese dialect coaching during pre-production, on set, for ADR dialect coaching and private coaching.

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Dialect Coach For Audition
Accent Reduction
Prepare Dialect for Auditions
Dialogue Translation
TV & Film
Free Consultation
Onset Dialect Coaching
Accent Reduction
Character Development
Dialogue Translation
TV & Film
Free Consultation

Looking for Japanese dialect coaching?

Feel free to contact Emi with any questions!

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All Japanese Dialect Coaching Includes


Japanese Dialect Coach FAQ

How do I hire a Japanese Dialect Coach?

If you are pressed for time, feel free to phone me directly at +1 (604) 418-8078. We’ll discuss your specific goals and needs with you and help you find the right Japanese dialect coaching style which is right for you. If your inquiry is less urgent or you want to arrange a call for later, please visit my contact page, fill in the information, and be specific about your needs. (Which Japanese dialect you want to learn? Is this for a specific project or for overall career development? When does this accent need to be performance ready? Is this just an accent, or do you also need foreign language help?)

Why is it important to work with a professional Japanese Dialect Coach?

The industry has recently been flooded with ‘helpful hobbyists’ who have lovely websites that advertise accent coaching services, but lack the necessary skills to coach professional actors. They often cost a few dollars an hour less, but their results are no match for those of true professionals.

When should I start learning a target accent?

While the answer to this will vary a bit depending on your own skill set and the project at hand, the rule of thumb is to learn the accent as soon as possible. Accent acquisition is definitely a pre-production sport. The ideal process for integrating an accent other than your own into a performance is to completely master the accent before you get very far into your rehearsal process (and long before the cameras roll). Ideally you want to make sure that your brain has already ‘re-wired’ itself to accept the new accent as a real option for communication before speaking as your character.

I'm a well-known actor, and I'd really like to keep my process private. Will you be able to help me as a Japanese dialect coach while keeping it under the wraps?

Absolutely! Your privacy is important to me. When you call, let me know you would like this service and I’ll make sure you can work with me privately. I’m accustomed to signing non-disclosure agreements for projects and even for private Japanese dialect coaching.

I need ‘accent reduction’ or ‘accent softening.’ Can you help me?

Yes! I can! The first thing to know is that these two terms are popular, but a little misleading. I invite you to call and talk with me about this, but for the moment I would encourage you to frame these ideas as ‘accent acquisition’ and to give me a call at +1 (604) 418-8078. I’ll help recommend the best Japanese dialect coaching techniques for your goals!

What about ‘accent elimination’?

Every person who speaks, speaks with an accent. There’s not really a way around that. You can decide you want to change your everyday accent to something new, but there’s literally no way to ‘eliminate’ an accent. The term ‘accent elimination’ is not only an inaccurate term, it encourages accent discrimination; the mistaken belief that some accents are inherently better than others.

I am an actor and someone told me I should lose my accent. Should I?

Nope! You might want to add a new one to your repertoire so that you can create more casting opportunities for yourself, but I would never advocate losing a great skill you already have! (Who wants one less skill?)

How do I get started?

Give me a call at +1 (604) 418-8078 or click here for my email contact form. I look forward to helping you achieve your Japanese dialect coaching goals.

More questions?

Please feel free to contact me, I’m here to help.

Contact Emi